
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Work It Wednesday: First Night Out Post Baby

I think I did pretty good working it for my first dinner with friends away from my bambino! I missed him but I held it together!!
Check me out!! This was actually the only thing appropriate I could fit in, but I think I did pretty good & I had a great rendition of my previous inspiration collage in the previous Work It Wednesday Post!

<3 Audj

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Toss Up Tuesdays: Helpful Sites for 1st Time Moms

These are a few of my favorite sites!

I over-love Pinterest! When in doubt I search Pinterest to see if anyone else has found solutions because I figure I'm definitely not the first in the long line of motherhood.

Breast Feeding Tips:

Breast Feeding Misconceptions

New Baby Product Reviews:

General Sites:
Babycenter ( I live by this app. It has great week by week depictions of what you & baby should be feeling)


As I come along more blogs I like I will keep you posted.

<3 Audj

Monday, October 7, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Fitness Necessities

So I am super excited for this Thursdays thrifty finds! I was in search of fitness accessories to make my quest for 3-4 workout days a little more enjoyable and accurate. 

I found this pair of over-the-ear headphones and matching armband for $12.99 @ TJ Maxx It came as a set which was a steal since I went to Sports Authority prior to and the armband alone was $30 on clearance!
It even has a special pocket for my house key :)

I was also able to score a calorie counter/stopwatch as well but this time Sports Authority came through! I found this watch which is regularly $50 on clearance for $29.99 and then I had a 15% off coupon from my new MUST HAVE app 'Snip Snap' which saved my $4 extra!! #winning
 Now I just have to figure out how to program it!! 

<3 Audj

Fitness Makes You Feel Good Friday

So my battle to get fit I feel I have to show my motivation and goal body and where I am now (baseline photo) in order for my progress to be seen! I believe you have to visualize your goals and make it clear so that you can achieve them and be constantly reminded that it is possible. This week I began my journey on my post pregnancy body. I must say that I wanted this body before I even got pregnant but I don't believe I was fully committed. Today I am claiming my 'Get Right' Body!! 
Current weight: 158lbs
Goal Weight: 125lbs

My goal body 2010: 
My current body 6 weeks post baby:
I've got to get there people!!!!
<3 Audj

Marital Monday: Who does it best?!?

We are destined to compete for the #1 spot! 

So since having the baby I think that my hubby might be going through his own version of post-partum depression because he seems to not want to let my baby go. Once he gets home he wants to hold him, bathe him, change his diapers, and if he could he would breast feed him too. Not only does he want to do everything but he wants to dictate how I do it because he feels "he knows best" and only "he can do it right". It is driving me up a wall and I love it all at the same time. At times I find it cute but at other times it is the most frustrating thing especially with my hormones being all over the place. I believe if I didn't laugh at his shenanigans so much it could definitely put a damper on our marriage. When it becomes frustrating and I find myself getting angry I just simply say please stop because my hormones can't handle this right now and that seems to simmer things down. This is an ongoing struggle of mine so I will let keep you posted as time goes on. 

<3 Audj

Friday, October 4, 2013

Feel Good Friday: Post Preggo Goal Setting

So I feel good on this Friday after my 6 week post partum check up the doctor says all is well and I am healing great! I am cleared to workout and I am pumped to get into my 'GET RIGHT' program. By Any Means Necessary... Stay tuned for my updates!

Here is my goal body: 
(#FBF 2010 Florida Bridal Shower)

P.S. I am printing and posting this on a wall for motivation & inspiration

<3 Audj

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: College Edition

Forever21 goes collegiate! Wendy was able to find me a really cute tank & tee for my alma mater of The Florida State University!! They were $10 each and we were also able to find a free shipping code for my purchase. They have other teams/schools check it out.

Here is a screen shot of my cute finds-

Work It Wednesday: Hump Day Work Look to get you through the rest of the week!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Is Here

Please do your part to help fight against breast cancer! Fight the good fight however you can! You can donate, walk, and/or volunteer in your local area! 

Here are some sites with more information:
American Cancer Society
Susan G Komen For the Cure

<3 WAD2

Audj's Trial Workouts: Post Pregnancy Motivation

Destined to BE FIT!

As promised, here are a few of the workouts I am thinking of trying out. I hope this helps you get fit as well!

Stay Motivated!

The Stroller Workout

Rear Sculpting

Inspiration Work Out

Top Moves Post Baby

All of these workouts are from various online magazines that offer other free tips to getting fit. So definitely check them out!

<3 Audj

Toss up Tuesdays: Post-Preggo Weightloss

The pressure to lose the pregnancy weight & lose it fast is REAL! I find myself weighing in everyday and I am obsessed with new workouts via Pinterest and I'm exactly 6 weeks out today! I have an appt for clearance on Thursday to be able to workout which I'm excited about, but it's bittersweet. I follow these mommy bloggers that show flat abs at 8 weeks post partum, and I am wondering how in the heck! I will admit I didn't have a flat stomach before but my biggest question is when do they find the time?!? Between breast feeding/pumping every 2-4 hours I can barely find the time to take a shower in the day much less workout!! So my goal is to find some type of workout daily that will allow me to get in the habit of just getting active at first. I've found a couple 15-20 minute workouts that I'm going to try out and see if they work! 

I gained a total of 45lbs total during my pregnancy!
Here is my journey:

Pre pregnancy:
37 weeks preggo:
4 weeks (PP) Post-Partum: 158lbs <no workout or dietary constraints just breast feeding>

So far I've lost 27 lbs now is when it gets tough!! Operation get right in full effect. I will post my workouts soon!

<3 Audj

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Post Partum: the things I didn't know but wish i had been informed

We all should be informed. Maybe I was ignorant and didn't research enough prior too giving birth, but I didn't really expect what was headed my way. I must say the pregnancy was something that women always talk about and force their experience so you as soon as they find out you might be pregnant. What they fail to tell you is what happens to your body once you have the baby. It's kind of like they have a memory lapse that forces them to focus on how hard it is to deal with the baby's schedule. They didn't tell me that my entire body would be aching and that it would hurt when I urinate for almost a full 2WEEKS all while dealing with a crying baby whom wakes every hour. No wonder they say post parting is real for women and the baby blues become real almost instantly. 

When leaving the hospital for the first time caused me to have a nervous breakdown. I cried all day for no reason other than how nervous I felt about my parenting skills. Scared that I may not be as ready as I thought. A huge help for me was the Baby Center App on iPhone! 

Throughout my entire pregnancy that app was my bible. It allows you to search about many things and it helps you connect with other mothers due the same time as you which was a huge help that stopped me from going into a panic and calling my doctor every minute.

Don't get me wrong I am glad to have my baby boy & I would do it all over again. I guess you could call it what you want but I am glad I know now going into the next stages of life's baby cycle...

So I vow to inform you of what I was never told but have experienced!!

<3 Audj


Monday, September 23, 2013

Marital Monday: We Are Destined for Growth & Reflection

My my my how time flies!! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I posted a blog and I have truly missed this release in my life! Life has been super transformational. In the past year I have transformed from career wife to new mother of a handsome baby boy. It was a bumpy ride but I have been able to make it to the other side safely. 
I went through baby registries, showers, body transformation, and marital transformation. I have consistently been on an emotional roller coaster and have bypassed all of the wives tails and deciphered the truth thru my pregnancy. 1 fact remains and that is that "every woman is different" and should embrace the experience for themselves. If asked I will tell my story but I don't want to be pushy and invasive like the mothers I've experienced.
Pregnancy was fun, tiring, stressful, joyful, new, great, and fulfilling all in one.
I didn't experience any cravings or morning sickness I was just huge the entire pregnancy due to my 5'2" frame. The most annoying question I recieved was "are you having twins?" Which is might I add sooooo rude!

The effects of pregnancy hormones make marriage a lot harder and the baby makes the bond stronger.

This is just the intro of more to come... Glad to be back! Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thrifty Thursday

Spring Preview
This Thrifty Thursday is dedicated to spring and all of the fun fashion that makes your heart smile. There's something about those bright and pastel colors that makes you hopeful that the bleak winter weather will soon pass and you won't have to wear tights, boots, scarves, and all the other winter accessories that require extra effort. I was in Target this week and spotted a super cute purse. Then I turned around and realized there are dozens of purses, clutches, and handbags that are remiscent of fine department store designer brands. Mint and yellow are predicted to be 2 of the "it" colors for the spring and there's a variety of purses in these colors to choose from. The best part of it all... these bags range in price from only $20-$40!!