
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Post Partum: the things I didn't know but wish i had been informed

We all should be informed. Maybe I was ignorant and didn't research enough prior too giving birth, but I didn't really expect what was headed my way. I must say the pregnancy was something that women always talk about and force their experience so you as soon as they find out you might be pregnant. What they fail to tell you is what happens to your body once you have the baby. It's kind of like they have a memory lapse that forces them to focus on how hard it is to deal with the baby's schedule. They didn't tell me that my entire body would be aching and that it would hurt when I urinate for almost a full 2WEEKS all while dealing with a crying baby whom wakes every hour. No wonder they say post parting is real for women and the baby blues become real almost instantly. 

When leaving the hospital for the first time caused me to have a nervous breakdown. I cried all day for no reason other than how nervous I felt about my parenting skills. Scared that I may not be as ready as I thought. A huge help for me was the Baby Center App on iPhone! 

Throughout my entire pregnancy that app was my bible. It allows you to search about many things and it helps you connect with other mothers due the same time as you which was a huge help that stopped me from going into a panic and calling my doctor every minute.

Don't get me wrong I am glad to have my baby boy & I would do it all over again. I guess you could call it what you want but I am glad I know now going into the next stages of life's baby cycle...

So I vow to inform you of what I was never told but have experienced!!

<3 Audj


Monday, September 23, 2013

Marital Monday: We Are Destined for Growth & Reflection

My my my how time flies!! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I posted a blog and I have truly missed this release in my life! Life has been super transformational. In the past year I have transformed from career wife to new mother of a handsome baby boy. It was a bumpy ride but I have been able to make it to the other side safely. 
I went through baby registries, showers, body transformation, and marital transformation. I have consistently been on an emotional roller coaster and have bypassed all of the wives tails and deciphered the truth thru my pregnancy. 1 fact remains and that is that "every woman is different" and should embrace the experience for themselves. If asked I will tell my story but I don't want to be pushy and invasive like the mothers I've experienced.
Pregnancy was fun, tiring, stressful, joyful, new, great, and fulfilling all in one.
I didn't experience any cravings or morning sickness I was just huge the entire pregnancy due to my 5'2" frame. The most annoying question I recieved was "are you having twins?" Which is might I add sooooo rude!

The effects of pregnancy hormones make marriage a lot harder and the baby makes the bond stronger.

This is just the intro of more to come... Glad to be back! Stay tuned!