We are destined 2 Maintain Balance.
Can you think of a friend whose relationship you absolutely adore? Or that makes you want to puke? Or bang your head against the wall? What is it about those couples that make you feel that way? Are you one of THOSE couples?
Some couples become recluses. They only hang out with other married couples
(if that). They only go on trips with one another and/or other couples. People always ask us how are you guys able to maintain healthy relationships with both your single and married friends, and still have a healthy marriage. This is the answer: We Are Friends First!!
...and we are friends with each others friends. Some couples need to go everywhere with one another, and you maybe one of those couples, but what works for us is keeping some sense of independence as well as romance.
Here is a quiz for fun: http://ideas.thenest.com/love-and-sex-advice/dealing-with-relationship-issues/articles/which-tv-couple-are-you-quiz.aspx
Tell us how you did!
<3 W.A.D.2
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