We Are Destined 2 drink,eat, and be merry!
Today I write to you about what it feels like to be a part of someones special day after being the Bride. It is not the easiest seat to be in I must say, and I feel like Weddings are another one of those occasions where if you have never been the bride then you have no understanding or compassion in regards to the process and the time and planning that goes into it. Because have no fail in every instance when you ask the bride a month prior to the wedding - How are you doing? How is the planning going? They all have the same answer - "I am ready for this wedding to be over" An event that is truly about the commencement and union of two special individuals with love unconditional that pledge to spend their lives together for infinity turns into: Petty guests who only want to sit with certain people; who are mad because you didnt extend to them a plus one for the random guy/girl that they just met a month ago and probably they will hate a month from now; people who do not want to cooperate with the events that lead up to the wedding but agreed to originally - none of whom are really focused on the point of it all!! And then there is the bridal party or should I say Bridesmaids because the men always seem to have it together! The Bridesmaids whom adorn the bride with loving words but when asked can they contribute to the events the bride has requested that isn't apart of their budget! They want the shine, but don't want to pay the dimes!! I have been in many weddings and can truly say that I love the experience, but if I had the opportunity to just sit back and be a guest I will thrive for that day because sometimes the wedding party drama can be done without. I would like to say that maybe its just a certain person, but the reality of the situation is that in every bridal party there will be haters that unknowingly do everything in their power to sabotage the bride's big day!! Not to alarm you but this has been my experience. As a bride I encountered a lot of these personalities, but I did not let it get to me because they were not in my focus. Now being on the otherside and having to deal with these individuals more often it really boils my blood!! I just now know that it is not the actual individual's purpose, but they will always be around in any wedding and any bridal event that person will be there to attempt to ruin the day!
<3 Audj
As for me, I agree that being on the other side of the fence totally changes things. Once you've seen all the ins and outs, you start to pay attention to EVERY.SINGLE.DETAIL from how many people in the bridal party to what kinds of centerpieces are on the table. You start to do the math on how much money was spent; not trying to be shady or judgmental but simply taking note and comparing to other weddings.
Even the guest experience changes. You make sure to RSVP in a timely fashion because you know what a headache it is trying to submit that final count and making the seating chart. Determining what gift to give becomes a tough decision. Do you get something from the registry, give cash, contribute to a honeymoon fund? Tricky decision, but in the back of your mind, your thinking, "what did/would we want?" and "what's the value of my attendance?" just so you can be fare and display proper etiquette.
What did you think was an ideal gift before you got married and has it changed? If you're single, what do you typically give as a gift? What influences your decision?
<3 Wendy
<3 W.A.D.2