
Thursday, December 13, 2012

What's on your Christmas List?!?

As Christmas grows near and I get older I find it so hard to figure out what to get my hubby! My list gets easier, smaller, and more expensive. For him I am always trying to figure out what to get him that he hasn't already gotten himself which is super frustrating. We try to surprise each other, but it never works. We usually purchase one for each of us and then one for ourselves. It makes me wonder what are you getting your significant other?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Being Thankful in 2012

Today we are destined to be thankful for our friends and family and all of the great people that God has blessed us with. God placed us on this earth to give back and do His work. Today even though the food is great and the family time is wonderful we ask you to take the time to be thankful for what God has given you and take your time to give back to those less fortunate than yourselves. Do not focus on the family that you may not agree with and take the time to appreciate that God blessed you the opportunity to be with them. Today even though God has chosen to take some of our closest family members to His better place; today we are thankful to be alive and to focus on the positive things that God has blessed us with. Thankful for our loving husbands, family, friends, and the opportunity to see another year.

Take the time out to do something kind for someone else. Thankfully Blessed!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!!
<3 WAD2

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Introducing:: Toss Up Tuesdays :: Fall TV Favs

Welcome to Toss Up Tuesdays>> Todays post is focused on Fall TV. Fall TV has gotten WAD2 hooked! We both cannot keep up with all of the shows that we want to watch so THANK YOU DVR! We could not survive with out it. 

WAD2's Fall Favs::

Wendy's Add-In Fall Fav
Audra's Add-In Fall Fav

What are your favorite shows from Fall Tv? 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Mother Nature

We are destined to conquer the storm. Who would have thought that in a mere 3 years in DC, Mr. D and I would have experienced blizzards, heat waves, an earthquake, and a hurricane?!? People claim the weather here is great, but I beg to differ. The four seasons are pretty to look at- when you're visiting. The transition from fall to winter this year is going to be quite tumultuous. Mother Nature is on a mission to be seen and heard. Guess we all better start paying attention.

Marital Mondays!

Welcome to Marital Monday!! This is the first time we are posting on this topic and we wanted this topic to be real!! So today we wanted to talk about staying through the times when you love your spouse but don't really like them too much. Many people don't always talk about the times when you aren't so fond of your loved one, but if you are human then you know that in any relationship there are ups and downs and it is just about working through it. It takes time and commitment to truly work through the love and likes. We truly believe that there is no way out, there are only steps up! In those times the best help is to have one person that you can truly confide in. Someone who is in a similar life position that will understand, listen, and not judge! Just be cautious about who this person is and set clear boundaries on judgment and confidentiality. My Marital Monday Confidant is my blogger partner/sister/niece Mrs. Wendy-Ann! It helps to really have someone that can finish your experiences, relate, empathize, or flat out tell you when you're wrong. We are destined to be frank... It's not always peaches and cream.

<3 W.A.D. 2

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Introducing Wear It Wednesday

We are destined to wear it & work it! With our new look we also have new topics! So say hello to our Wear It Wednesday!
Wendy went to the DC Women in Leadership Luncheon. Wendy is wearing a navy/white striped dress w/ a khaki blazer & peep toe pumps.

We also pictured some other Wear It Wednesday DC Women in Leadership.

Audra wore a black blouse/ houndstooth skirt/ black tights/ black velvet boots.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Change is in the Air

We are destined to transition. Everyone thinks of spring cleaning, but for us the fall is an excellent time to "fix it, change it, rearrange it." The blog obviously has a new look and we've determined the content guidelines to organize our posts. Our posts will still have the same feel and point of view: marriage and family, lifestyle, and fashion. If you haven't already subscribed to our blog... you may want to do that now ;-)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We Are Destined 2 Evolve

Currently we are in the process of trying to make our blog even better for your viewing pleasure!! If there are any suggestions or topics that you would like to see us blog about just comment or email us at and let us know your thoughts!

<3 WAD2

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Other Side of "I DO"

We Are Destined 2 drink,eat, and be merry!

Today I write to you about what it feels like to be a part of someones special day after being the Bride. It is not the easiest seat to be in I must say, and I feel like Weddings are another one of those occasions where if you have never been the bride then you have no understanding or compassion in regards to the process and the time and planning that goes into it. Because have no fail in every instance when you ask the bride a month prior to the wedding - How are you doing? How is the planning going? They all have the same answer - "I am ready for this wedding to be over" An event that is truly about the commencement and union of two special individuals with love unconditional that pledge to spend their lives together for infinity turns into: Petty guests who only want to sit with certain people; who are mad because you didnt extend to them a plus one for the random guy/girl that they just met a month ago and probably they will hate a month from now; people who do not want to cooperate with the events that lead up to the wedding but agreed to originally - none of whom are really focused on the point of it all!! And then there is the bridal party or should I say Bridesmaids because the men always seem to have it together! The Bridesmaids whom adorn the bride with loving words but when asked can they contribute to the events the bride has requested that isn't apart of their budget! They want the shine, but don't want to pay the dimes!! I have been in many weddings and can truly say that I love the experience, but if I had the opportunity to just sit back and be a guest I will thrive for that day because sometimes the wedding party drama can be done without. I would like to say that maybe its just a certain person, but the reality of the situation is that in every bridal party there will be haters that unknowingly do everything in their power to sabotage the bride's big day!! Not to alarm you but this has been my experience. As a bride I encountered a lot of these personalities, but I did not let it get to me because they were not in my focus. Now being on the otherside and having to deal with these individuals more often it really boils my blood!! I just now know that it is not the actual individual's purpose, but they will always be around in any wedding and any bridal event that person will be there to attempt to ruin the day!

<3 Audj

As for me, I agree that being on the other side of the fence totally changes things. Once you've seen all the ins and outs, you start to pay attention to EVERY.SINGLE.DETAIL from how many people in the bridal party to what kinds of centerpieces are on the table. You start to do the math on how much money was spent; not trying to be shady or judgmental but simply taking note and comparing to other weddings.
Even the guest experience changes. You make sure to RSVP in a timely fashion because you know what a headache it is trying to submit that final count and making the seating chart. Determining what gift to give becomes a tough decision. Do you get something from the registry, give cash, contribute to a honeymoon fund? Tricky decision, but in the back of your mind, your thinking, "what did/would we want?" and "what's the value of my attendance?" just so you can be fare and display proper etiquette.
What did you think was an ideal gift before you got married and has it changed? If you're single, what do you typically give as a gift? What influences your decision?

<3 Wendy

<3 W.A.D.2

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Uninspired but still Standing

Everyday I think what should I blog about!! What is happening?!! The answer is a lot, but I want to make sure that it is pertinent! I want to be relevant. I need a little motivation & I am going to follow through with dedication. WAD2 are destined to stay!

That being said ... Look forward to our revamping & giving you what you want.

So in the past few months I have celebrated another year of life that God has blessed me to see! God has blessed me with another year of marriage that has had its ups and downs & reiterated the need for God & hard work because truly you only get out what you put in! So stand firm. Stand strong! Live Life!

We have bonded & will be traveling to Costa Rica in November so stay tuned!
I am an MOH in a wedding & that has definitely been an experience specific to a separate post coming soon. I also think that we will add a fashion aspect to the blog because We love it & hopefully you will enjoy as well.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

March Madness

We are destined 2 face reality! So originally WAD2 had so many plans for transforming our blog into new horizons.. And then reality hit. In the month of March I found myself in a whirlwind called life that took me through many ups and downs! It began with taking care of my sick grandmother and traveling to Miami unexpectedly. I then came home to Atlanta to enjoy my birthday and lift my spirits! Enjoyed a wonderful birthday dinner with my hubby, friends, & family! Only to be greeted with the needs that my grandmother had passed at 89! She lived a full life & I am appreciative of the good times I spent with her! All of the while working and trying to catch up with life! After the funeral I came back to a cheering up event of Shecky's Girls Night Out with my ATL gals & a special NYC visitor! Shecky's Girls Night Out was fun & a first! Great people, pics, and lots of vendors. From what I heard from previous attendees it was not as good, but for a first timer it was different from the regular everyday lounge & drinks with your girls! I enjoyed the company of great gal pals and got an even better package with the groupon I found for half price! :)And to end the month with a bang I was able to enjoy a exciting game of the Knicks w/ Carmelo Anthony! & my boo Ashley B.I attached pics so you can see the view of my March Madness!<3 Audj

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 30!!!

30 x 30 Finale
A photo of us today and 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days
1) one of my besties moved to Atl 2) I got to visit my BFF Wendy on my first trip to DC as an adult 3) I enjoyed visiting the White House while my President Obama was in office!!!
<3 Audj

1. I had an awesome birthday week. 2. My dad and grandma came to visit for the 1st time. 3. Mr. D and I have spent a lot of time de-cluttering our home and planning for our future.
<3 Wendy

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day29: something u could never get tired of doing

I could never get tired of eating!
<3 Wendy

I love to listen to music from the 90s that bring back great memories of my past!! Could not do without old school music R&B/Hip Hop!
<3 Audj

Day 28: our favorite movie

I couldn't pick just one! My favorite movies are the ones that no matter what is going on I have to stop & watch the whole movie until the end! They never get old! "The King & I" "Grease" & "Dirty Dancing"
<3 <3 <3 them Audj

"Carrie" & "A Low Down Dirty Shame"
The 2 movies I've been watching since middle school on VHS n DVD and tv... Over n over n over again!
<3 Wendy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 27: A picture of you last year and now, my how we have changed since then

What a difference a year makes... On the outside not much has changed but mentally and emotionally where I am now is light years apart. Feb 2011 I was unemployed and depressed. In the photo on the left I was at the Teach For America summit where I ran into my current boss by forcing myself to network. Ironically, I wore that same purple cardigan 3 days ago while teaching a workshop on... you guessed it, networking! I'm excited to see where I'll be a year from now.

<3 Wendy

In 1 year a lot has changed. I have gained weight, chopped my hair off, and transformed from a blonde bombshell to a brunette babe! Nonetheless, I still love me for me! I am in the process of losing weight and eating
right! So lets check back a year from now :) This being said I can honestly say that I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for my life!

<3 Audj

Day 26: Places we&apos;ve been

The U.S. Virgin Islands <3 Wendy

Las Vegas <3 Audj

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 25: What is in Our Purses

30 x 30 Day 25- What's in our purses?

Day 24: something that means a lot

My mom and her 1st grandchild(my niece) meeting for the first time!
<3 Wendy

Giving back to the community allows me to keep a great balance in life. I never want to be a part of a people that never does their part for my people!
<3 Audj

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 23: Childhood & Facts

30 x 30 Day 23: A childhood photo and 15 facts about us

1. I am Jamaican
2. I am a Learning & Development Manager
3. I am married to the man of my dreams
4. I have naturally dark brown hair
5. I have a really quick temper
6. I grew up as an only child because I am so much younger than my half brother
7. I love to shop
8. I am very spiritual and I believe in a higher being- GOD !!
9. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason
10. I am of Jamaican, Cuban, Indian, African, & Chinese descent
11. I am a believer in black power
12. I consider myself a strong black woman
13. My favorite artist of right now is Adele
14. I am an aunt of 4
15. I have 6 God children
<3 Audj

1.       I used to strongly dislike children, now I’m drawn to them.
2.       I LOVE learning.
3.       I was born with bone straight, jet black hair.
4.       I’m a middle child.
5.       I’ve never been further west than Indiana.
6.       I’ve known and loved my husband for 54% of my life.
7.       If I won the lotto I would still do my job for free.
8.       I have a bad habit of self-diagnosing.
9.       I could eat an orange every day of my life.
10.   My second toe is longer than my big toe.
11.   The longest I ever lived in one place was 3.5 years.
12.   I abhor winter and adore summer; even when it’s 100 degrees.
13.    I’m cheap, thrifty, frugal…
14.   Despite what I look like, both of my parents are Black Jamaicans.
15.   I believe that everything happens for a reason.
<3 Wendy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 22: Favorite Hideaway

30x30 Day 22 Pictures of our favorite hideaways!
Lost In My Mind <3 Wendy
The Mall always takes my mind off of life and warms my heart with joy!! Forever21 is one of my fave stores but the reality is any store will do…Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx, Old Navy, Marshalls, you get the point!! <3 Audj

Day 21: What Makes Us Happy

30 x 30 Day 21: A Photo of Something That Makes You Happy
<3 Audj
<3 Wendy

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 20: The Meaning of Our Blog Name

W.A.D.2 = We Are Destined 2 = Wendy-Ann Dixon & Audra Dixon there are two of us that make and contribute to the greatness of this blog! We wanted to use this blog to express our lives and the fun times we encounter as we take this destined journey called life together.  W.A.D. are the initials for our Dixon clan Starting with Audra's dad & Wendy's grandfather Winston Albert Dixon (The Originator)! W.A.D.2 is representative of our lineage and bond that makes us Dixon Girls Forever. Though we are married and have acquired additional names, to know ones' self and the history that makes us strong, independent, charismatic young women is to know W.A.D.2! We hope that you continue this journey as we live the life we were destined to live!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 19: Photo of Us

30 x 30 another pic of yourself

A day in the (work) life of WAD2

Day 18: Cravings!

30 x 30 Something You Crave A Lot

These wings are always calling my name! ~Audj

My sweet tooth is insatiable! ~Wendy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 17: The love of Family

Audra's Family- I can honestly say that I fit into many categories and different families at different stages in my life, but overall I love them all for the different characteristics that they add to bettering me!

Wendy's Family - I love them dearly and there is no one the world that can replace them!

<3 WAD2

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 16: A Hobby

Day 16 30 x 30 A Photo of a Hobby You Love
<3 Audj

Arts & Crafts
<3 Wendy