We are destined to respect and love our family for who they are...
but does that include the family that was not conceived in the traditional manner? How should a family react to the idea of another child that was not known until they were older? All of these questions came to me when faced with this same topic. Naturally I love my family... the good, the bad, the rude, the ugly, and as of recently the unknown. So I must start from the beginning... I have a cousin whom is now 13 and I just met this past weekend. He was a child of an uncle whom we (the fam) only found out about after my uncle passed away. This was hard especially for his daughter who felt she knew him so well and that he would have told her about something as serious as a sibling. So as a result, my older cousin, my uncle's first child does not recognize her brother as a sibling and has done nothing to reach out to him.
Time has gone by and 10 years later my family has been able to convince my cousin's mother to allow him to come and visit us in the states (he lives in England),
and so he came to visit the Georgia fam
and I became excited because I love meeting new family members
...but then it dawned on me...
How does he feel? What does he know? Is my cousin right in her want to ignore his existence? All of these questions came to me and I had to get answers. I have come to my own conclusion after meeting and loving his want to know more and excitement to meet me as well and his eyes light up when you tell him stories about his dad because he was only 3 when he passed away which is also the age I was when my dad passed. At that moment I realized that even though my cousin is somewhat justified in her anger and denial. She should not take it out on her brother because at the end of the day that
IS her brother and he did not ask for this craziness. This is my opinion and just one of many... so I decided to ask you all...
How would you react? as a cousin, a sibling, a family member, the mistress/other woman, the wife...how would you react to finding out about an illegitimate child? and is your reaction correct? Is it okay to ignore and deny him his family? Are we wrong for embracing and wanting to get to know him and vice versa? The ultimate question...what would you do if you were the wife and your husband had another child out of wedlock?
Food for thought!
♥ Audj