We are destined for growth and change...
In this post:
1. New Job
2. Team Bev's BeLoved
3. JUGs
New Job...check:
I have missed all of you and a lot has happened in the last month and I feel like I have been neglecting my blog community, but I am finally getting back to the groove of things and you will be hearing more from me. So as an update I have started a new job as a HR Manager which is super exciting. Within a month I applied, interviewed, and was hired to my new job. I had gotten bored at my previous job and was ready for a challenge, but I wasn't completely prepared on the fast track God had for that plan!! I am thankful that God saw it best to answer my wishes! A lot of learning and training going on, but so far I love it! Everything about it...the people, the job description, the environment, just EVERYTHING!
Team Bev's BeLoved:: Making Strides Atlanta...check:
WAD2 |
Team Bev'sBeLoved |
Our Logo Designed by J.Black |
Images from the annual Making Strides Breakfast :) |
The walk was a great success! Super Duper Cold and in true ATL fashion in one day we we went from nice cool weather to 30 degrees and below with no sun! We had an all time record of 30 walkers and I am truly grateful to have all of the support that my friends and family give me! I couldn't ask for more blessing in my life. This was my first time officially becoming a team in honor of my mother. I have started a Walker Blog
Bev's BeLoved so that we can expand and walk in both S. Fla and Atlanta...soon to come. Looking forward to the future and ready for next year. We will be taking donations year round and trying to do some give-a-ways along the way...Stay Tuned!! We had great visitors including my blog counterpart Mrs. D-DuBois which made me smile more than she even knows... I couldn't have made it without her!
Just Us Girls Inc = JUGS...check
I joined a mentorship organization in February and now I am the Program Coordinator for the organization. This organization has really helped me to feel whole again. The opportunity to give back to the community is very much a part of me. With this organization I have been able to mentor a young girl in middle school and keep my self rooted in the community. I have met some great women whom I can tell will become lifelong friends and I look forward to it. The organization is looking for dedicated women in the Atlanta area ready to commit at least a year of their time. For more info visit the
Just Us Girls Mentor Corner
That was a lot! Blessed and Highly favored!
'Til we blog again!!
<3 Audj